Invisible Cities; Baucis Influence Maps

Baucis influence maps

One of the main themes that I want to bring into my interpretation of Baucis, is that of ancient architecture and ominous, blocky silhouettes similar to the shapes used in Aztec and Incan architecture. Some of these images are of real structures, others are artistic interpretations.

I imagine Baucis having an incredibly imposing aura, implying the god-like knowledge and power of its inhabitants. I particularly like the third image on the page above (middle-left), as there's something incredibly daunting and incomprehensible about the gigantic pyramid in the centre, and similarly the last image on the right. I could easily either of these two images alone and use them to inspire the base structure of Baucis.

Another aspect of the original text that I'd like to explore is that of the telescopes and spyglasses looking down towards the ground. I imagine them to be much like antique scientific instruments that you might see in a museum from the Victorian era. The internal mechanisms of Baucis could look something like old intricate clockwork.

I like the idea that Bacus has navigational equipment that looks something like antique globes and planetariums, implying that the inhabitants have a detailed knowledge of the earths surface, and of the movement of the sun, moon and planets. I'm perhaps thinking of setting my interior shot inside the 'helm' or navigation room of Baucis, where in the centre there would be a HUGE and complex planetarium showing the location of Baucis and various important landmarks and human populations around the globe.

I also like the idea that some of Baucis' inner workings could look something like old steam machines, but I have to be careful not to stray too close to historical technology, because the inhabitants of Baucis are supposed to use technology that surpasses anything modern human beings have ever known.


  1. An ancient city with tons of knowledge,it reminds me of Ei Darado


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