Film Review; Das cabinet des Dr Caligari (1920)

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  1. 'It's almost as if the memories of noises fromthe real-world past are being hazily distorted into an ominous narrative symphony by Francis' paranoid mind'...
    Fantastic first review Tom! :)

    My only comment maybe would be to place your images at the relevant points of discussion, and make them bigger so that the reader can really appreciate them.
    Looking forward to reading the next one!

  2. Hi Tom - agreed - there's an authenticity of enquiry about your response to this film that moves beyond seeking to satisfy the demands of the brief; there's a sense here that you're thinking, reflecting and concluding. You write thoughtfully and there's a precision too. A few nit picks: when you cite the title of a film, make sure you capitalise and capitalise consistently; The Cabinet of Dr Caligari should always be written thus, and not The cabinet of Dr caligari or variations thereof. Also it's always prudent to ensure you're spelling the film title correctly - so not 'Calagari'. You've written nearly 1000 words here already - a sure sign that engaging content, not word count, is the goal :)

    1. Ah, I didn't even notice the difference between those two spellings! I'll be sure to check the spelling against other sources next time, and keep my titling more consistent/accurate. Thanks Phil!


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