Fantastic Voyage; Food/Light Orb Test

A quick test of the 'light orb', as I imagined it in my Animatic. These are what the Natalux consume in order to stay alive.

The animation goes on forever, so it's quite easy to plonk some of these down in the world, and not have to worry about modifying them.

In terms of the longer tests, I think I'll do a few more over the first half of next week. In the latter few days, I'll move on to making my final models and environments, which shouldn't take too long, although I need to fit the script-rewrite in at some point this week too.
The Easter holidays will probably be all animating, since that looks to be the bulk of the work. If the animation is sorted by the end of Easter, I should have a week for sound design, editing and paper-work stuff.


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